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Hellerstein & Associates in the News
- In August 2024, USTDA awarded a technical assistance grant to the Tocantins State Information Technology Agency
(Agencia de Tecnologia da Informacao) in Brazil to help advance modern digital infrastructure, connectivity, and
e-government services across one of the country's fastest-growing states. Hellerstein & Associates reviewed and
recommended the funding of this feasibility study to USTDA. The study will develop a roadmap in support of the state's
efforts to modernize and expand its digital infrastructure to ensure faster and more reliable data processing,
connectivity, storage and cybersecurity across the state. It will also support the state's efforts to boost
e-government services through the use of cloud computing, analytics and artiUcial intelligence. As can be seen in this news story
- September 25, 2020 USTDA awarded a grant to the Brazilian telecommunications company Equatorial
Telecomunicacoes facilitate the development of a broadband network backbone in the couny's northeast region.
Hellerstein & Associates wrote the pre-feasibility study for USTDA in 2019. More info on this project can be found
at this link . A Link to the RFP can be found on the USTDA
- September 3, 2020 , USTDA awarded a technical assistance grant to the State Bank of Para
(Banpara) to advance the modernization and expansion of its information and communications technology infrastructure and
improve access to digital banking for Banpara for more than seven million customers. Hellerstein & Associates
wrote the pre-feasibility study for USTDA in 2019. More info about this project can be found at this link . A link to the RFP can be found here or on USTDA's website.
- September 2020, USTDA releases the RFP for the Salta Modernization Program that Hellerstein & Associates
had written in 2017. The Information on the RFP can be found here. or on the
USTDA website.
- April 2019, USTDA's Argentina ICT Modernization Reverse Trade Mission
came out from an H&A Pre-feasibility study completed for USTDA that recommended a Broadband
Network for Salta and a Reverse Trade Mission. More info about the RTM to be held in May 2019 can be found here
- January 2019, Read Judith Hellerstein's blog post on
What I saw at the 2018 Plenipot and the Impact that
Politicalization of
Resolutions Has on Their Success or Failure. Either on the above link or on
- September 2018, Judith Hellerstein was invited to be a guest speaker for IP3's Quality of Service
Seminar. The presentation can be found here .
- H&A Consultants conducted the
Pre-Feasibility Study for this Broadband Network in Sao Paulo, Brazil that USTDA approved
- July,
August 2018 Judith Hellerstein was hired to provide a series of training and capacity building training to
Regulators from the Nigerian Communications Commission as part of IP3's Telecom Regulation course. See this link for a listing of the classes taught .
- H&A
Consultants conducted the Pre-Feasibility Study for this Broadband Network
in Paraiba, Brazil that USTDA has just approved
- H&A
Consultants conducted the Pre-Feasibility Study for this Broadband Project
in Para, Brazil that USTDA has approved
- March 2018. Judith
Hellerstein, Internet Governance has its roots from the '98 Plenipot
in Minneapolis
Meet the
NASIG Faculty: Judith Hellerstein
- November 2017, ICANN recognized Judith Hellerstein for her
of leadership of the North American Regional At Large Organization with an
award and commendation at their award ceremony.
At Large recognized Judith Hellerstein for her three years of
leadership of the North American Regional At Large Organization at an
Award's ceremony.
- September 2017, Gabon TV captured the presentation of the H&A
Team in delivering the Final Broadband Strategy to the Gabonese Ministry
of Economy and Digital Computer and the National Agency for Digital
Infrastructure and
Frequencies at a national workshop of all stakeholders.
- American
Consultants are Evaluating Projects in Sergipe
American consultants are evaluating projects in Sergipe
- American
Consultants Are evaluating projects in Sergipe in the IT Area
- Americans
evaluating IT area in Sergipe
- American
consultants in Sergipe evaluate projects in the IT area
- American Agency
Representives evaluate projects at Emgetis
- US
representatives evaluate projects at Emgetis
- West Africa:
Protecting Regulatory Rulings - Surviving the Storm Issues And Approaches
for Telecom Regulators in West Africa And Liberia in Particular, By
Maxwell H. Massaquoi, Concord Times, Freetown, March 7, 2007.
- Liberian
Telecom Proposal Seeks to Eliminate Monopoly, By Sidiki Trawally, Liberian
Observer, July 12, 2005.
OF DSL, By Jon Van, Chicago Tribune September 20, 1999
Conference Presentations
- Top 10 issues in ICT given at IP3 Telecom Regulation Seminar, September 2019
- Top Licensing Issues for Regulators given at IP3 Telecom Regulation
Seminar, September 2019
- Universal Service issues for Regulators given at IP3 Telecom
Regulation Seminar, September 2019.
- Competition Policy Issues Facing Regulators given at IP3 Telecom
Regulation Seminar, September 2019.
- Internet Ecosystem and Governance Overview given at IP3
Telecom Regulation Seminar, September 2019.
- Delivery and Development of E-Government Services given
at IP3 Telecom Regulation Seminar, September 2019.
- Convergence given
at IP3 Telecom Regulation Seminar, September 2019.
- Cybercrime and Cybersecurity issues Facing Regulators given
at IP3 Telecom Regulation Seminar, September 2019.
- Quality of Service Presentation
given at IP3 Quality of Service Seminar, July 2019
- Demystifying Internet Governance given at NTEN's March
2019 Conference.
- Quality of Service
Presentation given at IP3 Quality of Service Seminar, August 2018
Universal Service Presentation given at IP3's Telecom Regulation: Todays
Challenges and Opportunities Session for the Nigerian Communications
Commission, August 1, 2018.
- e-Government
Services Presentation given at IP3's Telecom Regulation: Todays
Challenges and Opportunities Session for the Nigerian Communications
Commission, August 1, 2018.
- Licensing Presentation
given at IP3's Telecom Regulation: Todays
Challenges and Opportunities Session for the Nigerian Communications
Commission, August 7, 2018.
- Convergence
Presentation given at IP3's Telecom Regulation: Todays
Challenges and Opportunities Session for the Nigerian Communications
Commission, July 31, 2018.
- Top 10 Issues in
given at IP3's Telecom Regulation: Todays
Challenges and Opportunities Session for the Nigerian Communications
Commission, July 30, 2018.
- A
History of Internet Governance , Presentation at the North American
School of Internet Governance, March 7, 2018, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Overcoming
ICT Market Failures in FCV Countries: Liberia Focus ,Presentation at
the Fagility Conflict and Violence Forum 2016, March 1-3 2016, The World Bank, Washington DC
- The Top 10
Issues in ICT and Telecom Presentation given at IP3's
Next Generation of Telecommunications Regulation Seminar, Washington DC,
December 2010, December 2011
- The
Impact of Convergence on the Regulatory Framework Presentation
given at IP3's Next Generation of Telecommunications Regulation Seminar,
Washington DC, December 2010, December 2011
- Developing
Incentives to Increase & Expand Broadband Access Presentation given
at IP3's Next Generation of Telecommunications Regulation Seminar,
Washington DC, December 2010, December 2011
- The Top 10
Issues in Telecommunications for 2009 Presentation given at IP3's
Next Generation of Telecommunications Regulation Seminar, Washington DC,
December 2009
- The Impact
of Convergence on the Regulatory Framework Presentation given at
IP3's Next Generation of Telecommunications Regulation Seminar, Washington
DC, December 2009
- The Impact of
Convergence on the Regulatory Framework Presentation given at the
Public Utility Research Center/World Bank International Training Program,
Gainesville, FL January 2008
- National ICT
Policy Formulation In Liberia Presentation given at Georgia Institute
of Technology's E-Liberia Vision 2006, ICT's for Development in Liberia,
September 2006
Fundamentals of DSL Technology and Applications Presentation given at
SuperCom 2002
- Fundamentals of
Presentation given at IEC's 2000 National Communications Forum.
- Wireless
Broadband Access:
Presentation given at IEC's 2000 National Communications Forum.
- The Future
Presentation given at the 2000 DSLCon- Boston
Fundamentals of
Presentation given at IEC's 1999 xDSL CommForum's Tech Forum on the Fundamentals
of xDSL.
Microsoft Powerpoint Files, please download to view or use
third party Powerpoint viewer to view on screen
Press Releases
Press Release:DSL vs.
Cable Modems: The Future of High Speed Internet Access
Press Release: The Future of xDSL (Consumer
Press Release: The Future of xDSL (Trade version)
Press Release: The Unwired Consumer: Consumer
Telephony in a Wireless World
Communications Today's Market Snapshot: Consumer
Demand for Broadband Services: xDSL, Cable, and Wireless
The New Television 2: Digital Television, HDTV,
and the Future of Digital Video Networks, published Aug. 1998
Press Release: US Competitive Telecommunication
Market for 1997, published Oct. 1997
Press Release: US Competitive Telecommunication
Market for 1996
Press Release: Narrowband International, Communications
Under 2.0 Mbps in Latin America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim, published
Feb. 1997
Press Release: ISDN Market Outside of North America
to Grow 15 Fold in Next Decade Says New Report
Copyright 1998-2024 Hellerstein &
Associates Please send your questions or
comments to judith at jhellerstein dot com -
Hellerstein &
Associates. Web site design by
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