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Publications and Reports
- Read Judith Hellerstein's blog post on her
reflections on the Global IGF in Berlin.
- Read Judith Hellerstein's blog post on
What I saw at the 2018 Plenipot and the Impact that
Politicalization of
Resolutions Has on Their Success or Failure. Either on
- ICT and Digital Economy Projects in Brazil: Equatorial Telecom Broadband Backbone and Business Model Report from RFP
- ICT and Digital Economy Projects in Brazil: Development of a Broadband Network Backbone in Northeast Brazil Public Report
ICT and Digital Economy Projects in Brazil: Digital Moderization of Banpara for Publication
- ICT Projects in Argentina: Salta Smart City Project Public Report .
- ICT Projects in Brazil: Paraiba Paraiba Public Report from the RFP
- Developing a National Broadband Strategy for Gabon, Final
Presentation to the Ministry of Economy and Digital Computer and the
National Agency for Digital Infrastructure and Frequencies (In French)
- ICT Projects in Brazil: Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Public
Report from the RFP
- ICT Projects in Brazil:
Pernambuco Pernambuco Public
Report from the RFP
- ICT Projects in Brazil: Bahia Bahia Public
Report from the RFP
- Pre-feasibility study to Evaluate ICT Projects in Brazil (Sao Paulo,
Bahia, Goiania, Pernambuco, Paraiba), Public
- Pre-Feasibility study to Evaluate ICT Projects in Brazil (Rio de
Janeiro, Para, Sergipe, Santa Catarina, Tocantins, Rio Grande do Sol). Executive
December 2014
- Developed a series of regulatory instruments to assess the
current legal and regulatory actions needed to ensure open and
non-discriminatory access to cable landing and other international gateway
- Developed and wrote a diagnostic and analysis
on broadband
and e-Government deployment in the Western CIS countries.
- Developed a Curriculum
and conducted training of public officials and
students on ICT, e-Government, leadership skills, ICT Policy and
institutional development, cyber crime, spectrum policy, open access,
broadband deployment and other policy issues.
- Led a team that drafted e-Commerce legislation such as, electronic
transactions and digital signatures; privacy and data protection; cyber
crime; cyber security; interception of communications; freedom of
information laws following WTO & UNCTAD best practices
- Desk Study to develop a Data & Cloud
Computing Center in Vietnam
- Desk Study to Evaluate & assess an ICT enterprise project in the West Bank
- Strengths and Limitations of Multi-sector Regulatory Commissions, Regulation Body of
Knowledge , Forthcoming
- Multi-Sector Regulatory Commissions: Good Model for Small Developing
Countries? Regulation Body of
Knowledge , Forthcoming
- Literature Review, Multi-sector Regulatory Agencies, Regulation Body of
Knowledge , Forthcoming
- A Review of Multi-sector Regulatory Agencies in five West African
countries: Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, and Senegal (with
Sanford Berg, Mark Jamison, Sonia Jorge, and Jean-Pierre Chamoux),
prepared for the World Bank, October 2008 (forthcoming).
- Pre-feasibility study to Evaluate ICT Projects in Brazil: Volume 1:
Statewide Broadband Network for Acre, USTDA Contract
Broadband Network
Volume 2: Multi-Sector Technology Park Multi-Sector
Technology Park
- Brazil e-Government, Pre-feasibility study to Evaluate the State
of Minas Gerais Datacenter Project, USTDA Contract
Data Center
- Brazil e-Government, Pre-feasibility Study on
Public Private Partnerships to Develop e-Government
Communication's Infrastructure, USTDA Contract, Volume 1: State of Ceara,
Volume 2: State of Sao Paulo.
of Sao Paulo, Volume 2
State of
Volume 1
- Developed and Co-wrote
National Telecom Policy and Strategy Document for the Government of
Liberia funded by the World Bank's, Global ICT Policy Division.
Evolution of Broadband Web ProForum. This Web tutorial can also can
be found on Volume 8 of International Engineering Consortium's Web
ProForum CD-ROM,
- White
Paper based on the Evolution of Broadband:DSL and Beyond,
(International Engineering Consortium, August 2001)
- The
Evolution of Broadband: DSL and Beyond (International
Engineering Consortium, August 2001)
- The Rural
Telecom Consumer and Broadband Access Market Research Report
Insight Research, October 2000
- CLEC 2000
Report, Chapter 4: Still Shaping the CLEC Industry: Key
Regulatory Developments, New Paradigm Resources Group, April 2000
- DSL Vs. Cable
Modem: The Future of High-Speed Internet Access (Insight
- The
Future of xDSL Technology, Deployment, Business Issues, and
(International Engineering Consortium)
- White
Paper for the Future of xDSL Technology, Deployment, Business
Issues, and Strategies
(International Engineering
Consortium, 1999) PDF File: Adobe Acrobat Required!! If you
do not have Adobe Acrobat click on the Acrobat logo to dowload the
free reader or on the Adobe logo
- The Unwired
Consumer:Consumer Telephony in a Wireless World (The Insight
Research Corporation)
- Excerpt
from Consumer Demand for Broadband Services: xDSL, Cable, and
(The Insight Research Corporation)
Communications Today's Market Snapshot: Consumer Demand for
Broadband Services: xDSL,Cable, and Wireless;
- The New
Television2:Digital Television, HDTV, and the Future of Digital
Video Networks (Brochure)
(Communication Industry
- The New
Television 2:Digital Television, HDTV, and the Future of Digital
Video Networks (General Description)
Industry Researchers)
- The New
Television 2:Digital Television, HDTV, and the Future of Digital
Video Networks (Executive Summary)
(Communication Industry
- The New
Television 2:Digital Television, HDTV, and the Future of Digital
Video Networks (Table of Contents)
(Communication Industry
- The New
Television 2:Digital Television, HDTV, and the Future of Digital
Video Networks (Chapter One)
(Communication Industry
- US
Competitive Telecommunication Market for 1996 (Executive
- US
Competitive Telecommunications Market for 1997 (Executive
- Narrowband
International: Communications Under 2.0 Mbps in Latin America,
Europe, and the Pacific Rim, published Feb. 1997 (Report
(Communication Industry Researchers)
- Narrowband
International Executive Summary
(Communication Industry
- Narrowband
International Table of Contents
(Communication Industry
- Spanish
Telecom Market Analysis
- Emerging
Wireline Communications Technologies;
- MIS Report:
Siting Wireless Telecommunications: Planning and Law,
International City/County Management Association (Microsoft
Word file)
IEC's Annual Review of Communication
Hellerstein & Associates contributed to this review from 2000-2002.
PCIA's Global Wireless Market Portfolio;
Hellerstein & Associates contributed to this publication
from 1997-2001.
PCIA's Broadband Alert
Multimedia und Recht;(The premier German
Telecommunications; Technology periodical)
Telecommunications Incorporated Articles
Copyright 1998-2024 Hellerstein &
Associates Please send your questions
or comments to judith at jhellerstein dot com
- Hellerstein&Associates.
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 Washington, DC
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