Overview of Hellerstein & Associates
March, 2018, Judith Hellerstein was one of the faculty members of the North American School of Internet Governance, (NASIG) in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Her talk on the History of Internet Governance is located here
November 2017, ICANN recognized Judith Hellerstein for her three
of leadership of the North American Regional At Large Organization with an
award and commendation at their award ceremony.
At Large recognized Judith Hellerstein for her three years of
leadership of the North American Regional At Large Organization at an
Award's ceremony. September 2017, The H&A team travelled to Gabon to present our Final
National Broadband Strategy for Gabon to the Ministry of Economy and
Digital Computer and the National Agency for Digital Infrastructure and
Frequencies at a national workshop of all stakeholders. We presented our
Final Report and had a good discussion with stakeholders. Later we handed
in the report to officials.
July 2017 Judith Hellerstein was one of the main organizers and
conceivers for a panel at the IGF-USA Titled: Promoting a More Inclusive
Internet Panel and looked at current barriers to an inclusive Internet and
explore how access can be expanded to underserved areas and
underrepresented communities that are still struggling to get access. The
video can be found
In June 2017 Hellerstein & Associates led a team to Buenos Aires, Argentina to develop 2-3 ICT focused pre-feasibility studies analyzing the viability of ICT, broadband networks, data-centers, and Smart Cities projects for USTDA funding. Created detailed Terms of Reference and budgets for proposed studies. Assessed feasible technologies for last and middle mile infrastructure deployments, including identifying new, low-cost technologies that might replace current infrastructure. April 2017, The H&A Team travelled to Gabon to present our draft broadband strategy to the Ministry of Economy and Digital Computer and the National Agency for Digitial Infrastructure and Frequencies at a national workshop of all stakeholders November 2016, Guadelajara, Mexico, Judith Hellerstein was one of
the featured speakers at the Global IGF on a panel title Trade, the
Internet, Access and connectivity
and video is
In June 2016 Hellerstein & Associates was awarded a contract
by the World Bank
to provide
technical assistance to the Ministry of Economy and Digital Computer
(MENP), the Regulatory Authority (ARCEP), and the National Agency for
Digital Infrastructure and Frequencies (ANINF) on developing a national
broadband strategy for Gabon and an operational plan in place to increase
the coverage of broadband and to develop a knowledge economy. She Judith
Hellerstein lead a team of seven consultants
June 2016 Judith Hellerstein was one of the main organizers
and conceivers for a panel on the IGF-USA Expanding access, adoption, and
digital literacy through technology and local solutions
June 2016 USTDA
Supports Efforts Increase Broadband Access Northern Brazil
USTDA awarded a
grant to the Empresa de Processamento de Dados do Estado do Par (PRODEPA),
the State of Para's information technology (IT) company. The grant will
support PRODEPA to develop a roadmap and an implementation plan to expand
Para's fiber and wireless broadband network, allowing further connectiand e-government services throughout the state. Hellerstein & Associates
reviewed and recommended the funding of this feasibility study to USTDA.
The technical assistance will identify best practices for delivering data
transmission solutions under the Amazon's challenging conditions of dense
tropical forests and uneven terrain divided by major rivers. The project
will provide recommendations for creating free broadband access through
public telecenters and schools.
In June 2016, H&A was awarded a grant by USTDA to conduct and
develop six ICT focused
pre-feasibility studies in the States of Bahia, Sao Paulo, Goias,
and Paraba analyzing the viability of ICT,
broadband networks and business models, data-centers, increasing
citizen-centered services, e-Government and Smart Cities projects for
USTDA funding. Created detailed Terms of Reference and budgets for
proposed studies. Assessed feasible technologies for last and middle mile
infrastructure deployments, including identifying new, low-cost
technologies that might replace current infrastructure. August
awarded a grant of $356,920 to the Companhia de
Processamento de Dados do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (PROCERGS), Rio
Grande do Sul's state IT company. Hellerstein & Associates reviewed and
recommended the funding of this feasibility study to USTDA. The grant
will provide technical assistance to help PROCERGS develop a roadmap
to expand the states fiber and wireless broadband network and to modernize
its existing data center.
July 2015- Hellerstein &
Associates has been actively involved in the Internet Governance Forum's
Intersessional work on Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion. See
this website for a complete description of the program. The outputs
this program are intended to become robust resources and serve as inputs
into other forums. H&A's contribution can be found here .
We encourage others to make
similar contributions and give their ideas on how to connect the next
May 2015 USTDA
grant to the Empresa Sergipana de Tecnologia da Informacao (Sergipe State
Information Technology Company, or EMGETIS). Hellerstein & Associates
reviewed and recommended the funding of this feasibility study to USTDA.
The grant will provide technical assistance to help the state-owned entity
develop a roadmap to expand its broadband network and modernize an
existing data center. More articles about this visit can be found here
July 2014- Brazil - In 2014 an H&A team went down to Brazil
evaluate a
series of IT and infrastructure projects for USTDA. Hellerstein &
Associates reviewed and recommended the funding of five of the six
feasibility studies to USTDA for the states of Rio Grade Do Sol,
Tocantins, Sergipe, Para, and Santa Catarina. We then developed five ICT
focused pre-feasibility studies, which included detailed terms of
reference, budgets, and qualifications for consultants in these states.
Our reports also analyzed the viability of ICT, broadband networks,
data-centers, e-Government and Internet of Things projects for USTDA
Grants have been signed already with EMGETIS from the State of Sergipe to
provide technical assistance to help the state-owned entity develop a
roadmap to expand its broadband network and modernize an existing data
November 1-9 2012-Baku, Azerbaijan H&A's Judith Hellerstein
developed a two day program
under the auspices of the Commercial Law Development Program of the US
Department of Commerce which funded a 10 member delegation of regulators
and ministry officials from Iraq and a 3 person delegation from Egypts
Civil Society prior to the 7th Internet Governance Forum held in Baku,
Azerbaijan from November 6-9 2012. The program included talks on
copyright, intellectual property, Internet Freedom, Internet Governance,
and cyber risk assessment.
October 2011-Washington, DC H&A's Judith Hellerstein signed a
of Intent with the
Annenberg School of Communications to develop a diagnostic and analysis on
broadband and e-Government deployment in the Western CIS countries and the
Central Asian Countries. H&A will also be developing curricula for the
training of public officials and students on ICT, e-Government, leadership
skills, ICT Policy and institutional development, cyber crime, spectrum
policy, open access, broadband deployment and other policy issues.
October 2011- Chisinau, Moldova H&A in partnership with Millennium
International Limited was
awarded the Moldova Telecom Privatization project by the International
Finance Corporation.
October 2011- St. Lucia H&A held a successful drafting review
workshop where
Attorneys General from the 6 OECS countries worked to finalize and approve
new legislation and regulations for electronic transactions; digital
signatures; electronic payment; E-Filing; cybercrime; cyber security;
privacy and data protection; interception of communications; and freedom
of information laws following WTO & UNCTAD best practices.
September 2011-Washington, DC H&A's Judith Hellerstein signed a
letter of
Intent with the
Annenberg School of Communications to develop a revised edition of the
Afghanistan Media Law Manual.
September 2011- St. Lucia H&A held a successful drafting review
workshop where
legislative drafters from the 6 OECS countries worked to finalize new
legislation and regulations for electronic transactions; digital
signatures; electronic payment; E-Filing; cybercrime; cyber security;
privacy and data protection; interception of communications; and freedom
of information laws following WTO & UNCTAD best practices.
January 2011- Castries, St. Lucia H&A signed a contract with the
Organization of Eastern
Caribbean States to provide technical assistance to the OECS countries in
2010-2011 to harmonize their legal and regulatory frameworks for
electronic transactions, trade, electronic payment, E-Filing, cybercrime,
and cyber security.
November 2010-Vientiane, Laos H&A signed a contract with the
Ministry of Industry and
Commerce, Foreign Trade Policy Department, National Implementation Unit to
provide technical assistance to assess the institutional, legal and
regulatory framework for Technical Barriers to Trade in the Lao PDR with
regard to WTO compliance and effectiveness in enabling a market economic
- On September
18, USTDA awarded a grant to the Government of the State of Acre to
promote the development of a statewide broadband project to further
economic growth of the
Secretariat of Administrative Management in the State of Acre
(Secretariat). Hellerstein & Associates reviewed and recommended the
funding of this feasibility study to USTDA. USTDA is pleased to support
this project because ICT
infrastructure is an essential catalyst for growth in the global economy.
This project will connect the Acre region with the world. The State of
Acre is committed to the development of a statewide broadband project that
includes a hybrid voice, data and video Internet Protocol-based network to
reduce the region's interconnectivity and broaden its access to the global
economy. Click the above link to read more about this award.
Judith Hellerstein provided three days of training and capacity
building to Regulators attending IP3's Annual Next Generation Telecom
Regulatory Seminar from December 6-17, 2010. Presentations from Day 1 &
Day 2 can be found here
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